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Berks County Irish-American Fraternal Association

AKA Berks Irish

Our Mission:

To expand our Celtic Heritage between Ireland and the

United States through Education, Literature, Music and

Ancient Traditions, and to ensure our heritage continues

to expand through the generations yet to come.


President - Justin Doyle

Vice President - Phil Kearney

Treasurer - Kathleen Romans

Secretary - Shannon Callaghan


Berks County Irish-American Fraternal Association 

(AKA Berks Irish) proudly presents

Berks Celtic Fest

Saturday June 28th, 2025

11 AM til 9 PM

Wanna volunteer for the Festival?

If you would like to help us out and volunteer to work the Berks Celtic Festival, please contact Jenna Herman at  You may also sign up here on this online form.  We still need volunteers to fill quite a few shifts doing different jobs, so please come on out.

Margins, grids and typography

Any good looking site must have some kind of system to make it look consistent across all pages and within pages themselves. With this theme you can use all kinds of grids to make that happen. You can use a 10px grid so all your margins and padding will be a multiple of 10. Or you can use any other grid, but once you've chosen your multiplier, we advise you stick to it. 

In our case, we use 10px as layout and gadget spacing, and 40px as side padding for the gadgets themselves

Upcoming events

  • No upcoming events

Light and dark backgrounds

Gadgets are building blocks of Wild Apricot site pages. Each page consists of one or more gadgets arranged within page-specific layouts or theme-specific placeholders.

To help you set up your pages, this theme provides two theme styles for light and dark backgrounds. These styles have special typography that will make your gadget look good on the background of your choice.

Genealogy Corner

  • This is a place to discuss your genealogy ideas in forum style. Ask questions, tell everyone else what you found, and get motivated to explore your history.

Media gallery

You can add an animated slideshow to your Wild Apricot site, displaying one image after another from collection of images.

Copyright © BCIAFA 2021 All Rights Reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced without written consent from the author.
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BCIAFA is a 501(c)(4) non-profit organization. 

PO Box 6552

Wyomissing, PA 19610

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